June 16, 2012
Check in anytime between
9:00am - 2:00pm
The kanji "KIBOU: means "HOPE." The fruiting peach tree in the center symbolizing the regrowth of the farms in Japan.
Let's harvest HOPE for Japan!
Thank you to our WONDERFUL SPONSORS:
- Orange County Land Management
- James Real Estate Management, Inc.
- Top Veg Farms - Calvin & Lynn Chang
- Cazares, Endow, Han, Kouchi, Murota
- In Memory of Masaki Bros. Trucking Torrance, CA
- Donal, Noreen Yasukochi & Family
- OCO 11th/12th Grade Octagons
- Keith, Janet, Kyle & Kera Kimura
- Joe & Dianne Kujubu Belli
- Kamada-Flores-Okamura Family
- In Memory of Fushun and Kami Teruya
- Bridget & Colette Collins
- Dynamic Merchandising Group
- Jordan Hamamoto/Lynzie Numata
- Lester & Shari Lim and Family
- Chris and Holly Chu and Family
- The Morishita Family -Mark, Janet, Allyson and Lynn
- Glenn, Jean & Jamie Nakatani
- Seiji Isomoto Scholarship Fund
- In Memory of Dick Fujitani (Masa, Amy & Dave)
- JAO Invitational Basketball League
Friend of the Farmer Sponsors:
- Friend & Supporter to the Farmers affected by the Tsunami (Carrie Morita)
- Chris & Diane Gilbert and Family
- Eileen Sagara and Stefanie & Matt Kato
- In memory of Sam Kiyotoki
- Nagamatsu-Ishibashi Family
- Riverside, CA Organic Avocado Farmers
- Dean, Annette, Colin & Evin Ozawa
- Mitch & Donna Okuda & Family
- Frank Yada (Irvine Village Flowers)
- Clifford Valencia & Family
Friend of the Farm Sponsor:
- Aaron Tanaka and Jun Lugue
- Thomas & Dorothy Fujita-Rony
- In Honor of Ishibashi Farmers
Our Generous Volunteer Groups:
- Union Bank Airport Branch
- Chapman University Women's Basketball Team
- Woodbridge HS Japanese Club
Live Entertainment Provided By:
Shinzen Daiko - Taiko Center of Los Angeles
- Southbay Community Church
OCO helping Farms Feed Families
a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Tax ID #33-0395041
Thank you to all who participated in Walk The Farm 2012!
We had a great turnout!
Videos and photos will be up soon!
We are still accepting donations if you missed the event!