A special thank you
to those supplying
materials, services & food!
Jesse, Judy James & Family
Gary and Kari Itano & Family
Kraft Foods
Woodbridge High School Japanese Club
Muneo Chiba
Polito Farms
Sahu Subtropicals
Thank you to all of the participating organizations!
Chapman Women's Basketball
OCBC Sangha Teens
OCO 9th Grade Octagons
OCO 10th Grade Octagons
OCO 11th Grade Octagons
OCO 12th Grade Octagons
Woodbridge HS Japanese Club
South Bay Community Church
Union Bank Airport Branch
TERRA from Toyota
TAASiA from Toyota
ToyoPets from Toyota
OCO members
OCBC Project Kokoro
Iwate Kenjinkai
Miyagi Kenjinkai
Fukushima Kenjinkai
OCO Jr Optimists
Ironmen Basketball Team
Orange County Queen's Council
Young Adult Optimists
OCO Cub Scouts Pack 214
Bolsa Grande Interact Club
OCBC Cadettes 675
Orange County Japanese School
Cal State University Long Beach Nikkei Student Union
Thank you to the following for providing entertainment!
10:00 am - Montessori School Children's Choir
10:30 am - Kokoro Taiko
11:00 am - Na Mea Hula
11:30 am - Yuujou Daiko Taiko Group
12:00 pm - Matsutoyo Kai
12:30 pm - OCO's Kibou Taiko Group
1:00 pm - Orange County Friendship Choir
1:30 pm - Gardena Yuujou Taiko Class
2:00 pm - Yuujou Daiko Taiko Group
2:30 pm - Yuujou Daiko Taiko Group
2014 Sponsors!
(list as of 6-21-14)
Thank you for your support!
Farm Sponsor
The Kato Family
(Fountain Valley, CA)
Aiden, Tyler & Ethan Tanaka & Madeleine & Olivia Castro
The Klinsmann Family
Chris, Holly, Kaitlyn and Kara Chu
James and Susan Chinn
In Honor of Ishibashi Farmers
Sansei Legacy
The Kubota Family, (In Memory of Mike Y. Kubota)
3I - Integrated Industries International Partners
SEYO & The SEYO Dance
Toyota Motor Sales
SO-Phis of Orange County
Strawberry Sponsor
Shaikh Sarmad, Carolyn Nguyen & Zane Shaiyen
Tom and TIna Richardson
Himawari Land, Montessori International Academy, Tanpopo Club, Noboku Christoph, Mueno Chiba
Magarro Farms
Phoenix PDQ
Asian American Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy
Top Veg Farms - The Chang Family
Long Beach Judo Dojo
Project Kokoro - Crafts
The Hamamoto Family: Eric, Marsha, Jordan, Wayne & Rolene
Mukai Family:
Terry, Barbara, Kyle & Ally
10th Grade Octagon Club
Keith, Janet, Kyle, Kera and Simon Kimura
Clifford Valencia & Family
George & Charlotte Higa
Kollar Project Management Inc
Yohko and David Takehara
Saito Family: Tom, Lynne, Stephanie and Logan
The Yoshinaga Famly
Watanabe Family
Dennis and Schwab, Inc.
Ito Family
Howard S. Kunihiro, DDS
Crop Sponsor
Ted E. Tayenaka, D.D.S.
Ida Family
Matsutsuyu Family
LG Construction
Sam & Donna Hashizu
Edward and Gail Iwashita
Alvin and Marsha Wakasa
Rubi and Terri Kato
Moshi and Greg Kimura
The Matsuda Family
Grant & Taylor Takeda
Jim & Patsy Matsushita
Garland & Debbie Nicklaus
the Otsuka Family
Carrie and Walter Morita
Ken and Priscilla Mui
Harakuni Family
Joe & Dianne Kujubu Belli
Garrett & Cindy Kawano
The Sakaeda Family
(Brian Joanna, Nathan and Mika)
Mel and Karen Makabe
Sugamura Family
Mark & Laura Yamauchi
Dave & Cathy Uyemura
Gary & Frances Okura
Holland-Hagino Family
Craig and Karen Uchizono
Sugino Family
The Furumoto Family
Coldwell Banker Spectrum - Tani Family
Jon, Jodi & Nick Hisamoto
RonYama and LilNish
The Yamanishi-Hsieh Family
Frank and Kathy Nakase
CSU Long Beach
Stan & Sharon Uchizono & Family
Glen & Carol Kazahaya
Koichi & Pat Hosokawa
Elaine & Danny Ganiko
Dennis & Joyce Yamamoto
In Loving Memory of Ken Eimoto
Quincy Wang and Family
Mari and Mia Iwasaki
The Sakurao Family
Cazares, Kawaguchi & Kouchi Families
Lou, Joanne Lindsey and Lia Di Meglio
Mark, Janet, Allyson and Lynn Morishita
Jimmy & Hisa Ota Farm & Nursery of Orange County in the 1949-1970s
Hongo Family
PAX Industries
Kosaka Family
The Tanabe Family: Dave, Vickie, Bryan and Blake
Hitochi and Charlene
Ben, Margie and Laura Higashi
Mari and Randy Tamura
Seiji Isomoto Scholarship Fund
James Gang: Lee, Mo, Neddie & Darlene
Marvin's Garden
Mak and Carolyn Okuno
The Hachiya Family
In Memory of Fushun and Kami Teruya
Glenn M. Nakatani, A Prof. Corp.
The Kurihara Family
Tracy Okida, Candidate for
LA County Assessor
The Yokoyama Family
Rodger Uchizono, DDS, Inc
The Weber Family
David Cuddy & Sylvia Marcin
Kurtis S Kanemaru, DMD, Inc
Jeff, Linda, Joey & Daniel Niizawa
Pamela J. Ota DDS
Eileen Aiko Matsumoto
The Findlay-Kaneko Family
Neil and Connie Yahata
Terry and Gayle Hara
Stacey Hosokawa
Don and Maria Skrede
H & M Fujishige
Ron & Stephanie Fujihara
Mitch and Donna Okuda
Kyle and Amy Imaoka
Patti & George Koide
Walter Y.Morita
Takahashi-Thomen Family
In Memory of Kenichi Namekata
Friend of the Farmer
Dean, Annette, Colin, Evin Ozawa
Newport Beach Higashi Honganji
Renee Kimoto
Susan Maki
Judy Isozaki
Tomo & Taka Ishiwata
Deborah Butler
Teddy Matsumoto
Dorothy Maruyama
Nagamatsu-Ishibashi Family
Mark & Patsy Duncan
Julie & Harry Lee
Hyodo Family - Elizabeth & Michael
New Mexico Japanese American Citizens League
The Tajiri Family
Masa K. Fujitani
Al and Kay Kusano
Ron & Debby Ozawa and Family
Cathy Morisako
"Shadows for Peace"
Glen and Miki Hartung
Judy Ida
Thom and Jane Henley
Centanary United Methodist Church
Kenji and Yukie Hatsushi
Brandon and Nancy Rogers
Marc Butsumyo
Suburban Optimist Club
Carol Tanita
Wayne Nagao
Fukushima descendant
Dawn Tomita
Robbie and Dee Otsu
Annie, Brian and Madison Noguchi
Eileen Sagara
Harry Yamada
Brandon K
Ito-Takaoka Family
Kenny, Kathy, Christine & Ryan Ganiko
John, Ann and David Sadakane
Harry and Sandy Fletcher
Sugihara/Talor Family
Shirley Asao
The Iida Family
Andy, Dana and Kazuo Folick
Deni & Thomas
Lynn Isomoto
Cathy Fujimoto
Ron & Monica Mano
Brian A. Thompson
In Memory of Mikawa Farms
Dolly Oishi
Larry & Yvonne Namekata
Michele Cybula
Quest Management Group - Jerry Nakafuji
Lea Inouye
The Higashi Family
Cole Chang and Family
The Carl Family
Chris, June and Tyler Yakura
Ian Bahr
Kasen and Norie
Lum Family
Claude and Judy Kouchi
Phyllis Uyemura
Susan and Toy Stern
Steven Okamura
Kay Morishita
Jennifer and Steven Osako
Chris Tina Clarke-Stewart
Roger Omae
In Memory of the Matsumoto Brothers:
Tom, Masa, Shig, Jun and Ren
Tricia Imanaka-Gong
Richard Watanabe
VSJT Hamasaki Family
Pam Nix
Fred Ishihara
Manuel and Maria Gaudier
Friend of the Farm
Rocky H
Dianne Inouye
Sally Nuruki Okawa
Al & Sharon Matsuura
Tom & Grace Izuhara
Dennis & Janet Shiozawa
Marvin's Garden
Helen H. Ota & Michael C. Palma
Brandon K
Kim Hayashi
Aaron Tanaka & Jun Luge
Ron & Jeannie Toshima
N Yonesawa
The Suzuki Family
Susan and Dan Fukushima
Steve & Karen Cizmar
Steve & Karen Cizmar
Sho, Krissy, Taisho & Audrey Shiono
Dale and Eugene Matsuno
Louise Tawa Rudolf
Donn Yamada
Ogata Family - Irene and Dolly
Elizabeth and Michael Shiroishi
The Sato Family
Randall and Pamela Hamashita
Reiko Nagamatsu
Amy Okamoto
Dean and Julie Yamanaka